#Program to read numbers from a file and determine histogram of the data: f1=open("hg3.d","r") n=input("Enter the no. of lines:") n=int(n) h=[0 for i in range (n)] x=[] for i in f1: x.append(eval(i)) t=len(x) mn=min(x) mx=max(x) R=(mx-mn)*1.01 bs=R/n for i in range (t): k=int(abs((h[i]-mn)/bs)) h[k]=h[k]+1.0 f=[] for i in range (n): d=mn+(i*bs) f.append(d) f1.close() f2=open("hg2.d","w") a=len(f) for i in range (a): print(h[i],f[i],"-",f[i]+bs,file=f2) f2.close