Program in fortran to find the value of integration of the function [(1-x^2)^1/2]*cosx by Trapezoidal rule
! Program in fortran to find the value of integration of the ! function [(1-x^2)^1/2]*cosx by Trapezoidal rule write(*,*)'Enter the lower and upper limits respectively:' read(*,*)a,b Write(*,*)'Enter the number of sub intervals (n):' read(*,*)n sum=f(a)+f(b) h=(b-a)/n do i=1,n-1 sum=sum+2.0*f(a+i*h) end do sum=sum*h/2.0 write(*,11)sum 11 format(2x,'The value of the integration corrected upto six decimal places is',f16.6) ...