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Example displaying two histograms and their ratio

// Example displaying two histograms and their ratio. void ratioplot() { // Define two gaussian histograms. Note the X and Y title are defined // at booking time using the convention "Hist_title ; X_title ; Y_title" TH1F *h1 = new TH1F ( "h1" , "Two gaussian plots and their ratio;x title; h1 and h2 gaussian histograms" , 100, -5, 5); TH1F *h2 = new TH1F ( "h2" , "h2" , 100, -5, 5); h1-> FillRandom ( "gaus" ); h2-> FillRandom ( "gaus" ); // Define the Canvas TCanvas *c = new TCanvas ( "c" , "canvas" , 800, 800); // Upper plot will be in pad1 TPad *pad1 = new TPad ( "pad1" , "pad1" , 0, 0.3, 1, 1.0); pad1-> SetBottomMargin (0); // Upper and lower plot are joined pad1-> SetGridx (); // Vertical grid pad1-> Draw (); // Draw the upper pad: pad1 pad1-> cd (); // pad1 becomes the c

Program to read numbers from a file and determine histogram of the data

#Program to read numbers from a file and determine histogram of the data: f1=open("hg3.d","r") n=input("Enter the no. of lines:") n=int(n) h=[0 for i in range (n)] x=[] for i in f1:  x.append(eval(i)) t=len(x) mn=min(x) mx=max(x) R=(mx-mn)*1.01 bs=R/n for i in range (t):  k=int(abs((h[i]-mn)/bs))  h[k]=h[k]+1.0  f=[] for i in range (n):  d=mn+(i*bs)  f.append(d) f1.close() f2=open("hg2.d","w") a=len(f) for i in range (a):  print(h[i],f[i],"-",f[i]+bs,file=f2) f2.close

Program to implement 2D Newton Raphson method to find intersecting points

#Program to implement 2D Newton Raphson method to find intersecting points for # i) x^2 + y^2 = 4 # ii) (x-1)^2 + y^2 = 4 from math import* def f(x,y):  y=x**2+y**2-4  return y def g(x,y):  y=(x-1)**2+y**2-4  return y def fx(x,y):  y=2*x  return y def gx(x,y):  y=2*(x-1)  return y def fy(x,y):  y=2*y  return y def gy(x,y):  y=2*y  return y x=float(input("Enter the initial guess,x0=")) y=float(input("Enter the initial guess,y0=")) s=0 det_J_inv=fx(x,y)*gy(x,y)-fy(x,y)*gx(x,y) if det_J_inv==0.0:  print("Enter new guess values.") else:  while abs(f(x,y))>.000000001 and abs(g(x,y))>.000000001 and s<50:   h=(f(x,y)*gy(x,y)-fy(x,y)*g(x,y))/float(det_J_inv)   k=(-gx(x,y)*f(x,y)+g(x,y)*fx(x,y))/float(det_J_inv)   x=x-h   y=y-k   s=s+1 print("The root is located at:\nx=",x,"y=",y,"\nRequired No. of iterations:",s)

Program to diagonalise a given matrix using Gauss Jordan method

#Program to diagonalise a given matrix using Gauss Jordan method a=[] n=input("Enter the dimension of the matrix:") n=int(n) for i in range(n):  r=input("Enter the elements for row "+str(i+1)+" :").split(",")  r=list(map(float,r))  a.append(r) print("The entered matrix is:") for i in range(n):  print(a[i]) for c in range(0,n):  for r in range(0,n):   if r!=c:    l=a[r][c]/a[c][c]    for k in range(n):     a[r][k]=a[r][k]-l*a[c][k] print("The diagonalised matrix is:") for i in range(n):  print(a[i])

Program to convert a matrix to a upper triangular form using Gauss elimination method and to find the determinant of the matrix.

# Program to convert a matrix to a upper triangular form using Gauss elimination method and to # find the determinant of the matrix. a=[] n=input("Enter the dimension of the matrix:") n=int(n) for i in range(n):  r=input("Enter the elements of row "+str(i+1)+" :").split(",")  r=list(map(float,r))  a.append(r) print("The entered matrix is:") for i in range(n):  print (a[i]) for c in range(n-1):  for r in range(c+1,n):   l=a[r][c]/a[c][c]   for k in range(n):    a[r][k]=a[r][k]-l*a[c][k] s=1.0 print("The entered matrix in upper triangular form is:") for i in range(n):  print(a[i])  s=a[i][i]*s print ("The determinant of the matrix is:",s)

Program to evaluate integration using Monte carlo method (four leaf rose):

#Program to evaluate integration using Monte carlo method (four leaf rose): from math import* def f(x):  y=sin(2*x)  return y import random as rn nt=input("Enter total no. darts:") nt=int(nt) ns=0.0 for i in range (nt):  x=rn.random()  y=rn.random()  x1=-1+2*x  y1=-1+2*y  r=sqrt(x1**2+y1**2)  o=atan2(y1,x1)  if r<=abs(f(o)):   ns=ns+1 A=ns/nt*4 print("The value of the integration is:",A)

Program to evaluate integration using monte carlo method:

#Program to evaluate integration using monte carlo method: from math import* def f(x):  y=(1-x*x)*exp(-x*x)  return y import random as rn a=input("Enter the lower limit:") b=input("Enter the upper limit:") nt=input("Enter the total no. darts:") n=input("Enter the no. of divisions:") a=float(a) b=float(b) n=int(n) nt=int(nt) dell=(b-a)/(n*1.0) k=[] for i in range (n):  j=a+i*dell  u=f(j)  k.append(u) h1=max(k)*1.2 s=min(k)*1.2 h2=abs(s) ns=0.0 for i in range(nt):  x=rn.random()  y=rn.random()  x1=a+(b-a)*x  y1=-h2+(h1+h2)*y  y2=f(x1)  if y1<=y2:   ns=ns+1 A=ns/nt*(h1+h2)*(b-a)-h2*(b-a) print("The value of the integration is:",A)

Program to evaluate integration using Monte carlo method:

#Program to evaluate integration using Monte carlo method: from math import* def f(x):  y=exp(x*x)  return y import random as rn a=input("Enter the lower limit:") b=input("Enter the upper limit:") nt=input("Enter the total no. darts:") n=input("Enter the no. of divisions:") a=float(a) b=float(b) n=int(n) nt=int(nt) dell=(b-a)/(n*1.0) k=[] for i in range (n):  j=a+i*dell  u=f(j)  k.append(u) h1=max(k) h=h1*1.2 ns=0.0 for i in range (nt):  x=rn.random()  y=rn.random()  x1=a+(b-a)*x  y1=h*y  y2=f(x1)  if y1<=y2:   ns=ns+1 A=ns/nt*h*(b-a) print("The value of the intergration is:",A)

Program to determine the value of slope by fitting the supplied data with a theoritical

# Program to determine the value of slope by fitting the supplied data with a theoritical # function y=mx+c f1=open("lin1.d","r") f2=open("least.d","w") b=0 a=0 q1=0 q2=0 y1=[] x=[] y=[] for k in f1:  z=k.split()  x.append(eval(z[0]))  y.append(eval(z[1])) print("The entered values of the x's are:\n",x,"\nThe entered values of the y's are:\n",y) n=len(x) for i in range (0,n):  b=b+x[i]  a=a+x[i]*x[i]  q1=q1+x[i]*y[i]  q2=q2+y[i] m=(q1*n-q2*b)/(a*n-b*b) c=(a*q2-b*q1)/(a*n-b*b) print("The value of the slope is:",m,"\nThe value of the c is:",c) for i in range(0,n):  k=m*x[i]+c  y1.append(k)  print(x[i],y[i],y1[i],file=f2) f2.close()

Program to define a function which calculates the trace of a matrix:

#Program to define a function which calculates the trace of a matrix: def imatrix(m):  A=[]  for i in range(m):   a=input("Enter the elements of row "+str(i+1)+" :").split(",")   b=list(map(float,a))   A.append(b)  return A def showm(A):  for i in range (m):   print (A[i]) def tracem(A):  k=0  for i in range (m):   k=k+A[i][i]  return k m=input("Enter the dimension of the matrix:") m=int(m) X=imatrix(m) print("The entered matrix is:") showm(X) Y=tracem(X) print ("The trace of the matrix is:",Y)

Program to find root using secant method for f(x)=x-3(1-exp(-x))

#Program to find root using secant method for f(x)=x-3(1-exp(-x)) from math import* def f(x):  y=x-tan(x)  return y a=input("Enter the 1st value:") b=input("Enter the 2nd value:") a=float(a) b=float(b) c=(a*f(b)-b*f(a))/(f(b)-f(a))*1.0 s=0 while abs((c-b)/c)>0.00000000001 and s<500:  a=b  b=c  c=(a*f(b)-b*f(a))/(f(b)-f(a))*1.0  s=s+1 print("The root for the given function is =",c,"\nThe No. of steps required:",s) print("Function's value at point of root=",f(c))

Program to find root by Newton-Raphson method for y=x-tan(x):

#Program to find root by Newton-Raphson method for y=x-tan(x): from math import* def f(x):  y=x-tan(x)  return y def f1(x):  y1=1-1/(cos(x)*cos(x))  return y1 x=input("Enter the initial guess,x0=") x=float(x) s=0 while abs(f(x))>0.000001 and s<500:  h=float(f(x))/float(f1(x))  x=x-h  s=s+1 print ("The solution for the given function is:",x,"\nNo. of iterations required:",s)

Program to find root using Regula Falsi method for f(x)=x-tan(x)

#Program to find root using Regula Falsi method for f(x)=x-tan(x) from math import* def f(x):  y=x-tan(x)  return y a=input("Enter the upper limit:") b=input("Enter the lower limit:") a=float(a) b=float(b) while f(a)*f(b)>0:  print("The root of the function does not lie between the limits.")  a=input("Enter the new upper limit:")  b=input("Enter the new lower limit:")  a=float(a)  b=float(b) s=0 while (f(a)*f(b))<0:  c=(a*f(b)-b*f(a))/(f(b)-f(a))  if abs(f(c))<0.00000000001 or (a-b)<.0000001 :   break  if f(a)*f(c)<0:   b=c  else:   a=c  s=s+1 print("The solution of the function is=",c,"\nRequired No. of steps:",s) print("The value of the function at the point of solution is=",f(c))

Program to find root using Bisection method for f(x)=x-tan(x):

#Program to find root using Bisection method for f(x)=x-tan(x): from math import* def f(x):  y=x-tan(x)  return y a=input("Enter the lower limit:") b=input("Enter the upper limit:") a=float(a) b=float(b) while f(a)*f(b)>0:  print("The root for the given function does not lie between the limits.")  a=input("Enter new lower limit:")  b=input("Enter new upper limit:")  a=float(a)  b=float(b) s=0 while (f(a)*f(b))<0:  c=(a+b)/2.0  if abs(f(c))<0.0000001:   break  if f(a)*f(c)<0:   b=c  else:   a=c  s=s+1 print("the root of the function is=",c,"\nThe required No. of steps:",s) print("The value of the function at point of root is=",f(c))

Program to find roots by using Newton Raphson for f(x)=x-3(1-exp(-x))

#Program to find roots by using Newton Raphson for f(x)=x-3(1-exp(-x)) from math import* def f(x):  y=x-3*(1-exp(-x))  return y def f1(x):  y=1-3*exp(-x)  return y x=input("Enter the initial guess value,x0=") x=float(x) s=0 while abs(f(x))>.000001 and s<50:  h= f(x)/float(f1(x))  x=x-h  s=s+1 print("The value of the root for the function is:",x,"\nRequired No. of iteration:",s)

Program to find root using secant method for f(x)=x-3(1-exp(-x))

#Program to find root using secant method for f(x)=x-3(1-exp(-x)) from math import* def f(x):  y=x-3*(1-exp(-x))  return y a=input("Enter the 1st value:") b=input("Enter the 2nd value:") a=float(a) b=float(b) c=(a*f(b)-b*f(a))/(f(b)-f(a))*1.0 s=0 while abs(f(c))>0.00000000001 and s<50:  a=b  b=c  c=(a*f(b)-b*f(a))/(f(b)-f(a))  s=s+1 print("The root for the given function is =",c,"\nThe No. of steps required:",s) print("Function's value at point of root=",f(c))

Program to find root using Regula Falsi method for f(x)=x-3(1-exp(-x))

#Program to find root using Regula Falsi method for f(x)=x-3(1-exp(-x)) from math import* def f(x):  y=x-3*(1-exp(-x))  return y a=input("Enter the upper limit:") b=input("Enter the lower limit:") a=float(a) b=float(b) while f(a)*f(b)>0:  print("The root for the given function does not exist between the entered limits.")  a=input("Enter the new upper limit:")  b=input("Enter the new lower limit:")  a=float(a)  b=float(b) s=0 while (f(a)*f(b))<0:  c=(a*f(b)-b*f(a))/(f(b)-f(a))  if abs(f(c))<0.00000000001 or (a-b)<.0000001 :   break  if f(a)*f(c)<0:   b=c  else:   a=c  s=s+1 print("The solution of the entered function is =",c,"\nRequired No. of steps:",s) print("The value of the function at the point of solution is=",f(c))

Program to find root using Bisection method for y=x-3(1-exp(-x)):

#Program to find root using Bisection method for y=x-3(1-exp(-x)): from math import* def f(x):  y=x-3*(1-exp(-x))  return y a=input("Enter the lower limit:") b=input("Enter the upper limit:") a=float(a) b=float(b) while f(a)*f(b)>0:  print ("Root of this given function does not exist between the entered limits.")  a=input("Enter the new lower limit:")  b=input("Enter the new upper limit:")  a=float(a)  b=float(b) s=0 while (f(a)*f(b))<0:  c=(a+b)/2.0  if abs(f(c))<0.00000000001:   break  if f(a)*f(c)<0:   b=c  else:   a=c  s=s+1 print("The root of the given function is=",c,"\nRequired No. of steps:",s) print("The value of the function at the point of root is=",f(c))

Program to find root by Newton-Raphson method for y=x-tanh(2x):

#Program to find root by Newton-Raphson method for y=x-tanh(2x): from math import* def f(x):  y=x-tanh(2*x)  return y def f1(x):  y1=1-(2/(cosh(2*x)*cosh(2*x)))  return y1 x=input("Enter the initial guess,x0=") x=float(x) s=0 while abs(f(x))>0.000001 and s<500:  h=float(f(x))/float(f1(x))  x=x-h  s=s+1 print ("The solution for the given function is:",x,"\nNo. of iterations required:",s)

Program to find root by secant method for y=x-tanh(2x):

#Program to find root by secant method for y=x-tanh(2x): from math import* def f(x):  y=x-tanh(2*x)  return y a=input("Enter the upper limit:") b=input("Enter the lower limit:") a=float(a) b=float(b) c=(a*f(b)-b*f(a))/(f(b)-f(a))* 1.0 s=0 while abs(f(c))>0 & s<50:  a=b  b=c  c=(a*f(b)-b*f(a))/(f(b)-f(a))  s=s+1 print("The root of the function is=",c,"\nThe No. of required steps:",s) print("Function's value at the point of root=",f(c))

Program to find root by regula falsi method for function y=x-tanh(2x):

#Program to find root by regula falsi method for function y=x-tanh(2x): from math import* def f(x):  y=x-tanh(2*x)  return y a=input("Enter the value of upper limit:") b=input("Enter the value of lower limit:") a=float(a) b=float(b) while f(a)*f(b)>0:  print("The roots of the given function does not lie between the entered limits.")  a=input("Enter the new upper limit:")  b=input("Enter the new lower limit:")  a=float(a)  b=float(b) s=0 while (f(a)*f(b))<0:  c=(a*f(b)-b*f(a))/(f(b)-f(a))  if abs(f(c))<0.00000000001 or (a-b)<.0000001 :   break  if f(a)*f(c)<0:   b=c  else:   a=c  s=s+1 print ("The solution of the function is=",c, "\nThe required No. of steps:",s) print ("The value of the function at the point of solution is=",f(c))

Program to find root by Bisection method for the function y=x-tanh(2x)

#Program to find root by Bisection method for the function y=x-tanh(2x): from math import* def f(x):  y=x-tanh(2*x)  return y a=input("Enter the lower limit:") b=input("Enter the upper limit:") a=float(a) b=float(b) while f(a)*f(b)>0:  print("The root of the given function does not lie between the entered limits.")  a=input("Enter the new lower limit:")  b=input("Enter the new upper limit:")  a=float(a)  b=float(b) s=0 while(f(a)*f(b))<0:  c=(a+b)/2.0  if abs(f(c))<0.00000000001:   break  if f(a)*f(c)<0:   b=c  else:   a=c  s=s+1 print ("The root of the given function is=",c,"\nRequired No. of steps:",s) print ("The value of the function at the point of root is=",f(c))

Program to find root of a function by Bisection method (y=x^2-x-2)

#Program to find root of a function by Bisection method (y=x^2-x-2): def f(x):  y=x*x-x-2  return y a=input("Enter the lower limit:") b=input("Enter the upper limit:") a=float(a) b=float(b) while f(a)*f(b)>0:  print("The root of the given function does not lie in the entered limits.")  a=input("Enter the new lower limit:")  b=input("Enter the new upper limit:")  a=float(a)  b=float(b) while(f(a)*f(b))<0:  c=(a+b)/2.0  if abs(f(c))<0.0000001:   break  if f(a)*f(c)<0:   b=c  else:   a=c print("The root of the given function is:",c)

Program to evaluate integration by Trapezoidal Rule and simpson's (1/3) rule and to compute the exact value and find the relative error:

#Program to evaluate integration by Trapezoidal Rule and simpson's (1/3) rule and to compute the exact value and find the relative error: def f(x):  y=1-exp(-x)  return y a=0 b=1 n=input("Enter the no. of divisions:") n=int(n) h=(b-a)/(n*1.) s=0 from math import* for i in range(1,n):  s=s+f(a+i*h) y=(h/2)*(f(a)+f(b)+2*s) print("The value of integration using trapezoidal rule is:",y) r=abs(exp(-1)-y) print("Error obtained in trapezoidal method is:",r) z=0 c=0 for i in range(1,n,2):  z=z+f(a+i*h) for i in range(2,n-1,2):  c=c+f(a+i*h) g=(h/3)*(f(a)+f(b)+4*z+2*c) print("The value of integration using Simpson's 1/3 rule is:",g) v=abs(exp(-1)-g) print("Error obtained in Simpson's 1/3 method is:",v)

Program to evaluate the integration using Simpson's (1/3) rule for f(x)=1-exp(-x):

# Program to evaluate the integration using Simpson's (1/3) rule for f(x)=1-exp(-x): f1=open("le.d","w") from math import* def f(x):  y=1-exp(-x)  return y a=0 Y=[] B=[] V=[] h=0.001 for n in range(0,5001,50):  b=a+n*h  v=b+exp(-b)-1  p=0  q=0  for j in range(1,n,2):   p=p+f(a+j*h)  for k in range(2,n-1,2):   q=q+f(a+k*h)  y=h/3*(f(a)+f(b)+4*p+2*q)  print(b,y,file=f1)  Y.append(y)  B.append(b)  V.append(v) f1.close() import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.plot(B,Y,'r',B,V,'g')

Program to evaluate integration using Trapezoidal rule

#Program to evaluate integration using Trapezoidal rule from math import* def f(x):  y=exp(-x*x)  return y a=input("Enter the lower limit:") b=input("Enter the upper limit:") n=input("Enter the no. of divisions:") a=float(a) b=float(b) n=int(n) h=(b-a)/(n*1.) s=0 for i in range(1,n):  s=s+f(a+i*h) y=(h/2)*(f(a)+f(b)+2*s) print("The value of the integration is:",y)

Program to define a function which calculates the transpose of a square matrix

#Program to define a function which calculates the transpose of a square matrix and test it with main. def imatrix(m):  A=[]  for i in range(m):   a=input("Enter the data of row "+str(i+1)+" of the matrix:").split(",")   b=list(a)   A.append(b)  return A def showm(A):  m=len(A)  for i in range (m):   print(A[i]) def transm(A):  m=len(A)  n=len(A[0])  B=[[0 for i in range (m)] for j in range (n)]  for i in range (m):   for j in range (n):    B[j][i]=A[i][j]  return B m=input("Enter the dimension of the square matrix:") m=int(m) X=imatrix(m) print("The matrix is:") showm(X) print("Transpose of the matrix is:") Y=transm(X) showm(Y)

Program to read number from file containing some repetition.Find the frequency distribution

# Program to read number from file containing some repetition.Find the frequency distribution and # hence the mode of the distribution.write the frequency distribution in a different file. f1=open("fd.d","w") n=input("Enter the no. of dimention:") n=int(n) x=[] for i in range (n):  s=input("Enter the value:")  s=float(s)  x.append(s) for i in range (n):  for j in range (i+1,n):   if x[i]>x[j]:    a=x.pop(j)    x.insert(i,a) print("The list of numbers in ascending series=",x,file=f1) f1.close() f1=open("fd.d","r") V=[x[0]] F=[] f=1 for i in range (1,n):  if x[i]==V[-1]:   f=f+1  else:   F.append(f)   f=1   V.append(x[i]) F.append(f) s=len(V) e=[] for i in range(1,s-1):  if F[i]>F[i-1] and F[i]>F[i+1]:   e.append(V[i]) f2=open("fd2.d","w") for k in range (s):  print("For entered value",V[k],"the corresponding frequency is=",F[k],file=f2) print("The mode of the dist

Program to read names, surnames from a file and arrange them in alphabetical order of surnames

# Program to read names, surnames from a file and arrange them in alphabetical order of surnames # and write them in an another file. n=input("Enter the no of peoples:") n=int(n) f1=open("name.d","w") for i in range (n):  s=input("Enter the name of people "+str(i+1)+":")  print(s,file=f1) f1.close() f1=open("name.d","r") name=[] sname=[] for k in f1:  x=k.split()  name.append(x[0])  sname.append(x[1]) for j in range (n):  for i in range(n-j-1):   if sname[i]>sname[i+1]:    sname[i],sname[i+1]=sname[i+1],sname[i]    name[i],name[i+1]=name[i+1],name[i] f2=open("sname_arranged.d","w") for k in range (n):  print(name[k],sname[k],file=f2) f2.close()

Program to determine the median of n given numbers:

#Program to determine the median of n given numbers: n=input("Enter the no. of terms:") n=int(n) x=[] for i in range (0,n):  m=input("enter the no."+str(i+1)+":")  m=float(m)  x.append(m) for i in range (0,n):  for j in range(i+1,n):   if x[i]>x[j]:    a=x.pop(j)    x.insert(i,a) print("Sorted elements in ascending order are:\n",x) if n%2==0:  c=(x[int(n/2)]+x[int((n/2)-1)])/2.0 else:  c=x[int((n-1)/2)] print("Median of the given numbers is:",c)

Program to implement Insertion sort algorithm:

#Program to implement Insertion sort algorithm: n=input("Enter the no. of terms:") n=int(n) x=[] m=0 for i in range (0,n):  m1=input("Enter the no."+str(i+1)+":")  m1=float(m1)  x.append(m1) for i in range (0,n):  for j in range(i+1,n):   if x[i]>x[j]:    a=x.pop(j)    x.insert(i,a)    m=m+1 print("Sorted elements in ascending order are\n",x,"\nNo. of swapping required:",m)

Program to implement the Selection sort algorithm:

# Program to implement the Selection sort algorithm: n=input("Enter the no. of terms:") n=int(n) x=[] m=0 for i in range (0,n):  m1=input("Enter the no."+str(i+1)+":")  m1=float(m1)  x.append(m1) for i in range (0,n):  a=i  s=x[i]  for j in range (i+1,n):   if s>x[j]:    a=j    s=x[j]  t=x[i]  x[i]=x[a]  x[a]=t  m=m+1 print("Selection sort of entered no. in ascending order is:\n",x,"\nNo of steps required:",m)

Program to arrange n numbers in ascending order using Bubble sort algorithm:

#Program to arrange n numbers in ascending order using Bubble sort algorithm: n=input("Enter the no. of data:") n=int(n) x=[] s=0 for i in range(n):  m=input("Enter the number "+str(i+1)+":")  m=float(m)  x.append(m) for i in range(0,n,1):   for j in range (0,n-i-1,1):     if x[j]>x[j+1]:       x[j],x[j+1]=x[j+1],x[j]       s=s+1 print("The entered numbers in ascending order is:\n",x,"\nNo. of swapping required:",s)

Program to read two vectors of dimension n and determine the sum and dot product of them:

# Program to read two vectors of dimension n and determine the sum and dot product of them: n=input("Enter the number of dimension:") n=int(n) x=[] y=[] z=[] t=0 for i in range(1,n+1):  s=input("Enter the component "+str(i)+" of the first vector:")  s=float(s)  x.append(s) for i in range(1,n+1):  d=input("Enter the component "+str(i)+" of the second vector:")  d=float(d)  y.append(d) for i in range(0,n):  c=x[i]+y[i]  z.append(c) for i in range(0,n):  p=x[i]*y[i]  t=t+p print("The sum of the entered vectors are:",z) print("The dot product of the entered vectors are:",t)

Program to perform tasks similar to the string method: count() and find():

#Program to perform tasks similar to the string method: count() and find(): x=input("Enter the string:") y=input("Enter the character you want to find:") z=len(x) k=0 for i in range(0,z):  if x[i]==y:   k=k+1   if k==1:    z=i print("The total no. of occurance is:",k) print("The first occureuce position is in:",z+1)

Program to determine the value of golden ratio (phi)

#                                                                                                    t_n+1 # Program to determine the value of golden ratio (phi) = lim   --------- #                                                                                          n->inf  t_n n=input("Enter the decimal place upto which correction is required:") a=1.0 b=1.0 c=a+b R1=c/b R2=b/a e=R1-R2 n=float(n) while abs(e)>=n:  a=b  b=c  c=a+b  R1=c/b  R2=b/a  e=R1-R2 print("The value of the Golden ratio is",R1)

Program to verify if a given number belongs to Fibonacci sequence or not:

# Program to verify if a given number belongs to Fibonacci sequence or not: n=input("Enter a number to check if it belongs to Fibonacci series or not:") a=1 b=1 c=0 c=a+b n=int(n) while c<=n:  a=b  b=c  c=a+b if b==n:  print("Entered number belongs to Fibonacci series.") else:  print("Entered number does not belong to Fibonacci series.")

Program to find sum of the series i) 1/r and ii) 1/r^2 for n = 10,100,1000,10000,100000,1000000

# Program to find sum of the series i) 1/r and ii) 1/r^2 for n = 10,100,1000,10000,100000,1000000 n=input("Enter the no. of terms:") n=int(n) s=0 s1=0 for i in range (1,n):   s=s+1/(float(i))   s1=s1+(1/float(i))**2 print("The sum of 1/r series is=",s) print("The sum of 1/r^2 series is=",s1)

Program to input from the user, the market price per unit of purchased items and unit purchased

# Program to input from the user, the market price per unit of purchased items and unit purchased # until the user asks to stop. Calculate the total price. Give discount of 5% if the total price # is between 100 to 500, 10% if that between 500 to 1500,15% for that between 1500 to 3000 and 25% # if the total price is above 3000.Output the total price to be paid. z=input("Enter the no. of items:") z=int(z) c=0.0 if z>0:  for n in range (1,z+1):   y=input("Market price per unit of the item no."+str(n)+":")   y=float(y)   c=y+c  print("Total amount=",c)  if c>=100 and c<=500:   d=c*(100-5)/100  if c>=500 and c<=1500:   d=c*(100-10)/100  if c>=1500 and c<=3000:   d=c*(100-15)/100  if c>=3000:   d=c*(100-25)/100  print("The amount to be paid=",(round(d,2)))  print("Paid.")  print("Thank you, visit again.") else :  print("You have not purchased any item. Thank you, visit again.")

Program to input six components of two vectors and to determine

# Program to input six components of two vectors and to determine # i) the angle between them in degrees # ii) the norm of the difference vector # iii) if these vectors are OA and OB, find the area of the triangle AOB. # Co-ordinate of O is (0,0,0) # iv) find the another co-ordinate of the vertex of parallelogram whose three vertices are O, A, B. x1,y1,z1=input("Enter the components of vector A:").split(",") x2,y2,z2=input("Enter the components of vector B:").split(",") x1=float(x1) y1=float(y1) z1=float(z1) x2=float(x2) y2=float(y2) z2=float(z2) from math import* norm1=sqrt(x1**2+y1**2+z1**2) norm2=sqrt(x2**2+y2**2+z2**2) angle=degrees(acos((x1*x2+y1*y2+z1*z2)/(norm1*norm2))) print("The angle between these two vectors are:",angle) a=x1-x2 b=y1-y2 c=z1-z2 n=sqrt(a**2+b**2+c**2) print("The norm of the difference vector is:",n) s=sin(radians(angle)) area=(norm1*norm2)*s/2 print("The area of triangle AOB is:",area) x=x

Program to input a vector and determine i) the norm and ii)angle with each of the axes

# Program to input a vector and determine i) the norm and ii)angle with each of the axes x,y,z =input("Enter the values of x, y and z:").split(",") x=float(x) y=float(y) z=float(z) from math import * n=sqrt(x**2+y**2+z**2) x1=degrees(acos(x/n)) y1=degrees(acos(y/n)) z1=degrees(acos(z/n)) print("Norm of the entered vector=",n) print("Angle made with x axis in degrees:",x1) print("Angle made with y axis in degrees:",y1) print("Angle made with z axis in degrees:",z1)

Program to find solution of a quadratic equation

# Program to find solution of a quadratic equation a,b,c=input("Enter the values of a,b,c:").split(",") a=float(a) b=float(b) c=float(c) dis=b*b-4*a*c from math import * if dis>=0:  x1=(-b+sqrt(dis))/(2*a)  x2=(-b-sqrt(dis))/(2*a)  print("The solutions for the given equation are ",x1,"and",x2) else:  from cmath import *  xr=-b/(2*a)  xi=sqrt(dis)/(2*a)  print("The 1st solution for the given equation is ",xr,"+",xi)  print("The 2nd solution for the given equation is ",xr,"-",xi)

Program in fortran to find the value of integration of the function [(1-x^2)^1/2]*cosx by Trapezoidal rule

!       Program in fortran to find the value of integration of the !       function [(1-x^2)^1/2]*cosx by Trapezoidal rule         write(*,*)'Enter the lower and upper limits respectively:'         read(*,*)a,b         Write(*,*)'Enter the number of sub intervals (n):'         read(*,*)n         sum=f(a)+f(b)         h=(b-a)/n         do i=1,n-1         sum=sum+2.0*f(a+i*h)         end do         sum=sum*h/2.0         write(*,11)sum 11    format(2x,'The value of the integration corrected upto six decimal places is',f16.6)         end !       Program sub function         function f(x)         f=(sqrt(1-x*x))*cos(x)         return         end

Program to find the mean, median and mode of n numbers

C      Program to find the mean, median and mode of n numbers         dimension a(100)         sum=0.0         write(*,*)'Enter the no. of the data:'         read(*,*)n         write(*,*)'Now, enter the data:'         do i=1,n         read(*,*)a(i)         sum=sum+a(i)         end do         rmean=sum/n         do i=1,n-1         do j=i+1,n         if(a(i).gt.a(j))then         temp=a(i)         a(i)=a(j)         a(j)=temp         end if         end do         end do         write(*,*)'The sorted elements in ascending order is :'         do i=1,n         write(*,*)a(i)         end do         if(mod(n,2).eq.0.0)then         rmedian=(a(n/2)+a((n/2)+1))/2.0         else         rmedian=a((n+1)/2)         end if         rmode=3.0*rmedian-2.0*rmean         write(*,*)'The mean of the given numbers is',rmean         write(*,*)'The median of the given numbers is',rmedian         write(*,*)'The mode of the given numbers is',rmode         end

Program to find the sum of the e^x series with an error < 10^5

C      Program to find the sum of the e^x series with an error < 10^5         write(*,*)'Enter the value of x:'         read(*,*)x         sum=0.0         term=1.0         i=1 10    sum=sum+term         term=x**i/fact(i)         k=k+1         i=i+1         if(abs(term).gt..00001)goto 10         write(*,20)sum,x  20   format(2x,'The sum of the series is:'f16.4,' for x=',f16.4)         end C      Program sub function         function fact(i)         fact=1.0         do j=1,i         fact=fact*j         end do         return         end

Program to find the sum of the cube of the digits of a three digit number

C      Program to find the sum of the cube of the digits of a C      three digit number         write(*,*)'Enter a three digit number:'         read(*,*)n         m=n         r=mod(n,10)         n=n/10         i=mod(n,10)         n=n/10         write(*,*)'The digits of the number',m,'is',n,',',i,',',r         k=n**3+i**3+r**3         write(*,*)'The sum of the cube of these digits is',k         end

Program to find the square root of a real number

C      Program to find the square root of a real number         real::a         write(*,*)'Input the number:'         read(*,*)a         if (         c=sqrt(a)         write(*,10)c 10    Format(2x,'The square root of the number is',f16.4)         else         d=sqrt(-a)         write(*,20)d  20   Format(2x,'The square root of the number is i',f16.4)         end if         end

Program to test whether a year is leap year or not

C      Program to test whether a year is leap year or not         write(*,*)'Enter the year:'         read(*,*)l         if (mod(l,4).ne.0)goto 10         if (mod(l,100).ne.0)goto 20         if (mod(l,400).ne.0)goto 10 20    write(*,*)'The year is a leap year.'         stop 10    write(*,*)'The year is  not a leap year.'         stop         end

Program to find large number between two numbers

C      Program to find large number between two numbers         write(*,*)'Input the two numbers:'         read(*,*)a,b         large=a         if(         large=b         write(*,*)'The large number is',large         else         write(*,*)'The large number is',large         end if         end

Program to find the trace of a matrix

C     Program to find the trace of a matrix        integer::n        real::trace=0.0,a(10,10)        print*,'Enter the number of row and coloumns of square matrix:'        read(*,*)n        write(*,*)'Enter the matrix elements:'        do i=1,n        read(*,*)(a(i,j),j=1,n)        end do        write(*,*)'The matrix is :'        do i=1,n        write(*,*)(a(i,j),j=1,n)        end do        do i=1,n        trace=trace+a(i,i)        end do        write(*,*)'The trace of the entered matrix is',trace        end       

Program to find the value of integration using Simpson's 1/3 rule

!       Program to find the value of integration using Simpson's 1/3 rule        write(*,*)'Enter the values of lower and upper limit of integration  respectively:'         read(*,*)a,b         k=4         write(*,*)'Enter the number of even sub intervals:'         read(*,*)n         sum=f(a)+f(b)         h=(b-a)/n         do i=1,n-1         sum=sum+k*f(a+i*h)         k=6-k         end do         sum=sum*h/3.0         write(*,10)sum 10    format(2x,'The value of integration is',f16.3)         end !       Program sub function         function f(x)         f=sqrt(x)*exp(-x)         return         end                 

Program to find the reverse of a given number

C      Program to find the reverse of a given number         write(*,*)'Enter an integer:'         read(*,*)n         m=n         rev=0         if (n.eq.0)then         write(*,*)'The reverse number is:',n         else         dowhile (         r=mod(n,10)         rev=rev*10+r         n=n/10         end do         write(*,*)'The reverse of the given number is',rev         end if         end                 

Program to find the root of the quadratic equation

C      Program to find the root of the quadratic equation         write(*,*)'Enter the values of a,b,c'         read(*,*)a,b,c         d=b*b-(4.0*a*c)         if (d.eq.0)then         write(*,*)'The root is real and equal.'         x1=-b/(2.0*a)         write(*,*)'The equal root is :',x1         else if (         write(*,*)'The roots are real and distinct.'         x1=(-b+sqrt(d))/(2.0*a)         x2=(-b-sqrt(d))/(2.0*a)         write(*,*)'The roots are :',x1,' and ',x2         else         write(*,*)'The roots are distinct but imaginary.'         x1=(-b)/(2.0*a)         x2=sqrt(-d)/(2.0*a)         write(*,*)'The first root is :',x1,'+i',x2         write(*,*)'The second root is :',x1,'-i',x2         end if         end

Program to find prime numbers between two integers

C      Program to find prime numbers between two integers         write(*,*)'Enter the limits:'         read(*,*)m,n         if (         temp=m         m=n         n=temp         end if         i=m         print*,'The prime numbers between are given below:'  20   do j=2,i/2         r=mod(i,j)         if(r.eq.0)goto 10         end do         write(*,*)i  10   if(         i=i+1         goto 20         end if         end        

Program to find prime or composite number

C      Program to find prime or composite number         write(*,*)'Input the integer:'         read(*,*)n         kount=0         if (         do i=1,(n/2)         l=mod(n,i)         if (l.eq.0) then         kount=kount+1         end if         end do         if (kount.eq.1)then         write(*,*)'The number is prime.'         else         write(*,*)'The number is composite.'         end if         else         write(*,*)'Wrong input, give a right input.'         end if         end        

Prime factor of a given integer

C      Prime factor of a given integer         write(*,*)'Input an integer:'         read(*,*)n         write(*,*)'The prime factor(s) of the integer is given below:'         do i=2,n         r=mod(n,i)         if ( 0.0)goto 10         do j=2,i/2         if(mod(i,j).eq.0)goto 10         end do         write(*,*)i  10   end do         end         

Program to find whether a number is perfect square or not

C      Program to find whether a number is perfect square or not         write(*,*)'Enter the number:'         read(*,*)x         y=sqrt(x)         if (x.eq.y**2)then         write(*,*)'The number is a perfect square.'         else         write(*,*)'The number is not a perfect square.'         endif         end

Program to find perfect numbers between 1 to 10000

C      Program to find perfect numbers between 1 to 10000         write(*,*)'The perfect numbers between 1 and 10000 are:'         do i=1,10000         sum=0         do j=1,(i/2)         r=mod(i,j)         if (r.eq.0)then         sum=sum+j         end if         end do         if (sum.eq.i)then         write(*,*)i         end if         end do         end        

Program to check whether a number is perfect or not

C      Program to check whether a number is perfect or not         write(*,*)'Input the number:'         read(*,*)n         sum=0         write(*,*)'The factors excluding that number are:'         do i=1,(n/2)         r=mod(n,i)         if (r.eq.0)then         write(*,*)i         sum=sum+i         end if         end do         if (sum .eq. n)then         write(*,*)'The number is perfect.'         else         write(*,*)'The number is not perfect.'         end if         end        

Program to find the 1st nth terms and their sum of fibonacci series

C      Program to find the 1st nth terms and their sum of fibonacci series         write(*,*)'Enter the number of terms you want to see'         read(*,*)n         i=1         j=1         sum=0         write(*,*)'The 1st',n,'terms are:'         do l=1,n         write(*,*)i         sum=sum+i         k=i+j         i=j         j=k         end do         write(*,*)'The sum of the series is:',sum         end

Program to find the fibonacci series whose last term does not exceed the desired limit

!       Program to find the fibonacci series whose last term does not exceed the desired limit         write(*,*)'Enter the desired limit:'         read(*,*)n         print*,'The fibonacci series whose last term is not greater than',n,' is:'         i=1         j=1         do while (         write(*,*)i         k=i+j         i=j         j=k         end do         end        

Program to find fibonacci series upto n terms

C     Program to find fibonacci series upto n terms        write(*,*)'Enter the terms you want see:'        read(*,*)n        i=1        j=1        write(*,*)'The series is:'        do l=1,n        write(*,*)i        k=i+j        i=j        j=k        end do        end       

Program to find the digits of a given number and their sum

C      Program to find the digits of a given number and their sum         write(*,*)'Enter the integer:'         read(*,*)n         m=n         sum=0         if (n.eq.0)then         write(*,*)'The number is',n         write(*,*)'The sum is',sum         else         write(*,*)'The digits are given below :'         do while (         r=abs(mod(n,10))         write(*,*)r         sum=sum+r         n=n/10         end do         write(*,*)'The sum is',sum         end if         end

Program to arrange the number in decending order

C      Program to arrange the number in decending order         dimension a(100)         write(*,*)'Enter the no. of terms:'         read(*,*)n         write(*,*)'Enter the numbers:'         do i=1,n         read(*,*)a(i)         end do         do i=1,n-1         do j=i+1,n         if (a(i).lt.a(j))then         temp=a(i)         a(i)=a(j)         a(j)=temp         end if         end do         end do         write(*,*)'The numbers in decending order is:'         do i=1,n         write(*,*)a(i)         end do         end

Program in fortran to arrange the order in ascending order

C      Program in fortran to arrange the order in ascending order         dimension a(100)         write(*,*)'Enter the number of data:'         read(*,*)n         write(*,*)'Now, input the data:'         do i=1,n         read(*,*)a(i)         end do         do i=1,n-1         do j=i+1,n         if (a(i).gt.a(j))then         temp=a(i)         a(i)=a(j)         a(j)=temp         end if         end do         end do         write(*,*)'The numbers in ascending order is :'         do i=1,n         write(*,*)a(i)         end do         end

Program to find the sum of AP series

!       Program to find the sum of AP series         real::a,d         integer::n         write(*,*)'Enter the number of terms, 1st term and common difference:'         read(*,*)n,a,d         sum=0         do i=0,n-1         term=a+i*d         sum=sum+term         end do         write(*,*)'The sum of the AP series is',sum         end        

Program to test whether a number is even or odd

C      Program to test whether a number is even or odd         write(*,*)'Input the number:'         read(*,*)n         if (mod(n,2).eq.0)then         write(*,*)'The number is Even.'         else         write(*,*)'The number is odd.'         end if         end        

Program to find the value of cosine of a given angle

C      Program to find the value of cosine of a given angle         Write(*,*)'Enter the value of the angle in degree:'         read(*,*)x         y=(acos(-1.0)*x)/180.0         sum=0.0         term=1.0         i=0         s=1.0         dowhile(abs(term).ge.1.0E-6)         term=(y**i/fact(i))*s         sum=sum+term         i=i+2         s=-s         end do         write(*,10)sum 10    format(2x,'The value of cosx is',f16.4)         end          C      Program sub function         function fact(i)         fact=1         do j=1,i         fact=fact*j         end do         return         end        

Program to find sine of a given angle

C      Program to find sine of a given angle         write(*,*)'Enter the angle in degree:'         read(*,*)y         sum=0.0         term=1.0         i=1         s=1.0         x=(acos(-1.0)*y)/180.0         dowhile (abs(term).ge.1.0E-6)         term=(x**i/fact(i))*s         sum=sum+term         i=i+2         s=-s         end do         write(*,10)y,sum  10   format(2x,'The value of sin',f16.2,' is',f16.4)         end          C      Program sub function         function fact(i)         fact=1         do j=1,i         fact=fact*j         end do         return         end                 

Program to find the sum of GP series

C      Program to find the sum of GP series         print*,'Enter the number of terms, 1st term and common ratio:'         read(*,*)n,a,r         sum=0         do i=0,n-1         sum=sum+a*r**i         end do         write(*,*)'The sum of the GP series is',sum         end        

Program to find the factors of an number

C      Program to find the factors of an number         write(*,*)'Enter the integer:'         read(*,*)n         write(*,*)'The factors are of the given no. are:'         do i=1,n         r=mod(n,i)         if (r.eq.0)then         write(*,*)i         end if         end do         end        

Program to find the factorial of a non-negative integer

C      Program to find the factorial of a non-negative integer         write(*,*)'Enter a non-negative integer:'         read(*,*)n         write(*,*)'The factorial of',n,'is',fact(n)         end          C      Program sub function         function fact(n)         fact=1         do i=1,n         fact=fact*i         end do         return         end

Program to test whether a number is positive or not

C      Program to test whether a number is positive or not         write(*,*)'Input the number:'         read(*,*)n         if (n.eq.0)then         write(*,*)'The entered number is zero.'         else if (         write(*,*)'The entered number is positive.'         else         write(*,*)'The entered number is negative.'         end if         end

Program to find the volume and surface area of a cuboid

C      Program to find the volume and surface area  of a cuboid         write(*,*)'Enter the length:'         read(*,*)r         write(*,*)'Enter the width:'         read(*,*)w         write(*,*)'Enter the height:'         read(*,*)h         a=2.0*(w*r+r*h+h*w)         v=w*r*h         d=sqrt(w**2+r**2+h**2)         write(*,10)a         write(*,20)v         write(*,30)d  10   format(2x,'The area of the cuboid is',f16.4)  20   format(2x,'The volume of the cuboid is',f16.4)  30   format(2x,'The space diagonal of the cuboid is',f16.4)         end                  

Program to find the volume and total surface area of a cone

C      Program to find the volume and total surface area of a cone         write(*,*)'Enter the radius:'         read(*,*)r         write(*,*)'Enter the height:'         read(*,*)h         a=acos(-1.0)*r*(r+sqrt(r*r+h*h))         v=((acos(-1.0)*r*r*h)/3.0)         write(*,10)a         write(*,20)v 10    format(2x,'The total surface area of the cone is',f16.4) 20    format(2x,'The volume of the cone is',f16.4)         end

To check whether a number is devisible by 7 or not

C      To check whether a number is devisible by 7 or not         write(*,*)'Input the integer number:'         read(*,*)n         if (mod(n,7).eq. 0)then         write(*,*)'The number is divisible to 7.'         else         write(*,*)'The number is not divisible to 7.'         end if         end

Program to find sum of the series 2 + 4 + 2 + 4 + 2 + ... upto a no. of terms

C       Program to find sum of the series 2 + 4 + 2 + 4 + 2 + ... upto a no. of terms         write(*,*)'Input the no. of terms:'         read(*,*)n         sum=0         p=2         do i=1,n         sum=sum+p         p=6-p         end do         write(*,*)'The sum of the given series is:',sum         end        

Program to find the sum of the series 1 + 1/3 + 1/5 + ... upto n terms

C      Program to find the sum of the series 1 + 1/3 + 1/5 + ... upto n terms         write(*,*)'Enter the no. of terms:'         read(*,*)n         sum=0.0         i=1         do j=1,n         sum=sum+1.0/i         i=i+2         end do         write(*,10)sum  10   format(2x,'The sum of the series is',f16.4)         end        

Program to find the sum of a series upto a no. of terms

c                                                                   (4n-3)(4n-2) c      Program to find the sum of the series ------------------ upto a no. of terms c                                                                      4n(4n-1)         write(*,*)'Enter the no. of terms:'         read(*,*)n         sum=0         do i=1,n         term=(4.0*i-3.0)*(4.0*i-2.0)/((4.0*i-1.0)*4.0*i)         sum=sum+term         end do         write(*,10)sum  10   format(2x,'the sum of the series is:',f16.4)         end                  

Program to find sum of n^2 series

C      Program to find sum of n^2 series         write(*,*)'Enter the no. of terms:'         read(*,*)n         sum=0.0         do i=1,n         term=i**2         sum=sum+term         end do         write(*,*)'The sum of the given series is:',sum         end        

Program to find the sum and average using array

C      Program to find the sum and average using array         dimension a(100)         sum=0.0         write(*,*)'Enter the no. of data you want to enter:'         read(*,*) n         write(*,*)'Now, enter the data:'         do i=1,n         read(*,*)a(i)         sum=sum+a(i)         end do         ave=sum/real(n)         write(*,*)'The sum of the given numbers is',sum         write(*,*)'The average of the given numbers is',ave         end        

Program to find the scalar product of two vectors

C      Program to find the scalar product of two vectors         dimension x(20),y(20)         product=0.0         write(*,*)'Enter the total no. components in each vector:'         read(*,*)n         write(*,*)'Enter the components of the first vector:'         do i=1,n         read(*,*)x(i)         end do         write(*,*)'Enter the components of the second vector:'         do i=1,n         read(*,*)y(i)         end do         do i=1,n         product=product+x(i)*y(i)         end do         write(*,*)'The scaler product of the vectors :',product         end