If you're involved in scientific research or data analysis, you've likely heard of CERN ROOT. Developed by CERN (the European Organization for Nuclear Research), ROOT is an essential toolkit for high-energy physics data analysis. In this guide, we'll walk you through the process of installing CERN ROOT on your Ubuntu machine. Prerequisites Before we dive into the installation process, make sure you have the following prerequisites in place: A working Ubuntu machine (this guide is tested on Ubuntu 23.04, but it should work on other versions as well). Sudo privileges to install packages. Downloading CERN ROOT Start by downloading the latest version of CERN ROOT from the official website or open your terminal and use the following command to download the source code: wget https://root.cern/download/root_vX.YY.Z.source.tar.gz Replace X.YY.Z with the version number you want to install (e.g., 6.22.08). Installing Dependencies CERN ROOT relies on several libraries and tools. T...
void write { TClonesArray * arr = new TClonesArray ( " TVector3 " ); TClonesArray & ar = * arr ; TFile * file = new TFile ( " file.root " , " recreate " ); TTree * tree = new TTree ( " tcl " , " tcl " ); tree -> Branch ( " array " , & arr ); TRandom2 * rand = new TRandom2 ( 1 ); for ( int i = 0 ; i < 100 ; i ++) { arr -> Clear (); for ( int j = 0 ; j < 1000 ; j ++) { double x = rand -> Rndm (); double y = rand -> Rndm (); double z = rand -> Rndm (); new ( ar [ j ]) TVector3 ( x , y , z ); } tree -> Fill (); } file -> Write (); file -> Close (); } void read () { TFile * file = new TFile ( " file.root " ); TTree * tree = ( TTree *) file -> Get ( " tcl " ); TClonesArray * arr = new ...